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WHALE CITY – Touch (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – Forever (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – Breathe Again (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – Under Blue Skies (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – Moments (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – The Shore (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – Far Away (Acoustic Version)
WHALE CITY – Far Away (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – Someone Else’s Eyes (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – There She Goes (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – Daylight (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – Echo Of Joy (Official Video)
WHALE CITY – Little Drummer Boy
WHALE CITY – Echo Of Joy (Golden Umbrella Version)
WHALE CITY – Someone Else´s Eyes (Stay At Home Live Version)
WHALE CITY – Daylight (Live @ Milla Club Munich)
WHALE CITY ist kein Ort, den du suchst. WHALE CITY ist ein Ort, den du findest.
Als Sänger, Songwriter und Gitarrist Andi in den USA lebte, traf er am Rande des Highway 1 in Kalifornien auf die Whale City Bakery und kam immer wieder dorthin zurück. Von der Terrasse blickte er über das offene Meer, sah Wale unter dem blauem Himmel vorbeischwimmen. Es entstand eine emotionale Bindung zu diesem Ort voller Begegnungen, voller Energie. Und voller Sehnsucht.
Das Lebensgefühl nahm Andi mit zurück nach Deutschland und packte es in die Songs seiner neu gegründeten Band, die nur den Name WHALE CITY tragen konnte.
A summer evening at the beach. A road trip with friends. A view from the top of a mountain.
Moments inspire the guys of WHALE CITY.
Their band name inspired by the Whale City Bakery right at Highway 1 in California.
During his time in the States singer, guitarist and songwriter Andi, loved to hang out at this place with a beautiful view over the sea and sometimes he even saw whales swimming by under a blue sky.
WHALE CITY is a way of life that Andi and his band share and what they have been transforming into their favorite sound.
Felix Seidel
Phone: +49 (0)173 248 28 02
Copyright – WHALE CITY